Logan was born on May 22nd (barely missing mom's b-day) and he was 8 lbs 6 oz, 21.5 in long.
Things went really smoothly. Lindy only had to push for a couple of minutes.
His cry is so sad, he squeaks when he crys.
Here we are right after he was born.
Lindy and Logan.
Our first family photo with Logan ... and yes it took several times as usual because of the girls.
Mama and the kids. (wow its weird, I can't refer to them as the girls any longer.)
Sydney's first encounter with Logan. She was a little stand-offish and after a couple of minutes she held up her hand to say "I'm done."
Savannah was a hoot when she visited. She wanted to see and poke Logan really bad, but she was sick so we made her keep her distance. Here she is demonstrating her phone skills. She mostly just says "Hi da" over and over again.
Sydney warmed up to Logan. When grandma (Bamma) was going to bring Sydney to visit, Sydney said "See mom and baby Logan?". She loves her little brother. And she enjoyed being with her family.
Proud grandparents. For Lindy's parents, its the first grandson.
Here is Elyse, Ryan, and Kelsey (lindy's siblings). They are really excited to have a nephew. Kelsey and Elyse have been trying to come up with a nick name. They were thinking about calling him pony boy. You'll have to ask them to find out why. Ryan is excited to have someone to play video games with. (not for a few years Ryan)
I think Savannah looks really good in her Indiana Jones hat, don't you?
Sydney with her blanket and new dress from Bamma with a sassy look.
I just absolutely love my little girls. Sydney is starting to look so old. I can't hardly believe it. Part of me wants her to stay 2 years old forever, the other part of me wants her out of diapers, lol.
I'm super excited to have a son. I love the kid to pieces.
Here are a couple of pictures of Logan that we liked in particular. He's our cute little man.